The Conference of World-Science was being held in a huge auditorium, specially reserved for the event. The media’s eyes were trained on the many mathematicians and scientists that had gathered from different parts of the world…. World newspapers and International TV channels vied for the best spots to cover the event. A live telecast captured a young man being awarded a Doctorate Degree by a Minister and Parliamentarian, who in himself was a well-renowned Scientist. This young foreigner had won the highest accolade for his work in the field of Science and Maths.
Product Details
- Format: Paperback, Ebook
- Book Size:5.5 x 8.5
- Total Pages:119 pages
- Language:ENGLISH
- ISBN:978-93-90707-43-0
- Publication Date:April 26 ,2021
Product Description
The Conference of World-Science was being held in a huge auditorium, specially reserved for the event. The media’s eyes were trained on the many mathematicians and scientists that had gathered from different parts of the world…. World newspapers and International TV channels vied for the best spots to cover the event. A live telecast captured a young man being awarded a Doctorate Degree by a Minister and Parliamentarian, who in himself was a well-renowned Scientist. This young foreigner had won the highest accolade for his work in the field of Science and Maths.