Anthology Of 101 Poems

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Anthology Of 101 Poems

Anthology Of 101 Poems


During the lockdown in March 2020 and thereafter, I decided to use my creativity, if any, to write down what comes to my mind . I started conceptualising stories in my mind and I ended up writing short stories. Then I started penning small poems rhythmically on issues of current interest. This book is the result of such an exercise and has a collection of a hundred and one such poems on topical interest..

Product Details

  • Format: Paperback, Ebook
  • Book Size:5.5 x 8.5
  • Total Pages:241 pages
  • Language:English
  • ISBN:978-9364319874
  • Paper Type:PAPERBACK
  • Publication Date:August 2 ,2024

Product Description

During the lockdown in March 2020 and thereafter, I decided to use my creativity, if any, to write down what comes to my mind . I started conceptualising stories in my mind and I ended up writing short stories. Then I started penning small poems rhythmically on issues of current interest. This book is the result of such an exercise and has a collection of a hundred and one such poems on topical interest..

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